Destiny, chaos, order and those sorts of things...
For those who think like me, the coming few hundred words may make a bit of sense. To the others - I know - it will seem a lot of garbage.
Firstly, I assert that there is an order in randomness. Too many things in the world are too random to be just there, like that - without any order, purpose and design. I mean, there is this chaos theory and the butterfly effect that scientists talk of today as a startling discovery of this century. It's plain common sense, if you look at it in unscientific ways. But having got used to see everything through the eyes of science to believe it, we now think that chaos is a new phenomenon we've just discovered.
Ancient wisdom refers to chaos, sometimes subtly, sometimes bluntly. The Greek myth had Pandora bring chaos into the world. The Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, for sure, figured chaos as a given in the world. All said, what we know as science is not the truth. It is merely one of the several possible systems of explaining phenomenon in the universe.
And its not a big deal. Every principle in science is founded on another and the basic premises which are supposedly universal, actually aren't. In short, don't look to science for all the answers. Not in chaos, for sure.
I believe this and you ought to know - everything scientifically called random is just an order we cannot comprehend.
Design. Chaos. Order. Destiny.
These are a few words science cannot ever comprehend. Let me explain it. Not by giving any answers, but by asking intriguing questions.
What causes a tiny thorn to float and fly and land up on a highway just in time to puncture a particular car ? How does the brain have intuition ? Why do you think you are reading this page today ? Why connects the DNA, a rainbow, the Sun,ripples in a pond, light, the pupil of the eye inter alia ? What connects the British businessman on a holiday in Thailand to a hotelier from Japan for them to be washed away together from the same place, at the same time, in the waves of a tsunami ? Why did the dinosaurs go extinct ? What is an accident ? Why do you sometimes predict things just before they happen ? How is a Siberian tiger partially and indirectly responsible for a famine in Somalia ?
I've got no answers. Just many many more questions. But I know that the answer exists. And it connects all the loose ends of everything that cannot be answered by the science of our civilisation.
For those who think like me, the last few hundred words may have made a bit of sense. To the others - I know - it will still seem a lot of garbage.
Firstly, I assert that there is an order in randomness. Too many things in the world are too random to be just there, like that - without any order, purpose and design. I mean, there is this chaos theory and the butterfly effect that scientists talk of today as a startling discovery of this century. It's plain common sense, if you look at it in unscientific ways. But having got used to see everything through the eyes of science to believe it, we now think that chaos is a new phenomenon we've just discovered.
Ancient wisdom refers to chaos, sometimes subtly, sometimes bluntly. The Greek myth had Pandora bring chaos into the world. The Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, for sure, figured chaos as a given in the world. All said, what we know as science is not the truth. It is merely one of the several possible systems of explaining phenomenon in the universe.
And its not a big deal. Every principle in science is founded on another and the basic premises which are supposedly universal, actually aren't. In short, don't look to science for all the answers. Not in chaos, for sure.
I believe this and you ought to know - everything scientifically called random is just an order we cannot comprehend.
Design. Chaos. Order. Destiny.
These are a few words science cannot ever comprehend. Let me explain it. Not by giving any answers, but by asking intriguing questions.
What causes a tiny thorn to float and fly and land up on a highway just in time to puncture a particular car ? How does the brain have intuition ? Why do you think you are reading this page today ? Why connects the DNA, a rainbow, the Sun,ripples in a pond, light, the pupil of the eye inter alia ? What connects the British businessman on a holiday in Thailand to a hotelier from Japan for them to be washed away together from the same place, at the same time, in the waves of a tsunami ? Why did the dinosaurs go extinct ? What is an accident ? Why do you sometimes predict things just before they happen ? How is a Siberian tiger partially and indirectly responsible for a famine in Somalia ?
I've got no answers. Just many many more questions. But I know that the answer exists. And it connects all the loose ends of everything that cannot be answered by the science of our civilisation.
For those who think like me, the last few hundred words may have made a bit of sense. To the others - I know - it will still seem a lot of garbage.