Saturday, January 07, 2006

Peer pressure

The image that you see above, is supposed to be a cartoon. The resolution of the image on this page is not very good. So I suggest that you click on the image, which will open it up in a new window, where it will look better, in all likelihood.

I had this idea about a cartoon while cleaning some vessels in the kitchen sink. No idea why. Bored as I was with the research work I was doing, I decided to take a break and use my room mate's VAIO laptop to good use. A note of caution though: While MS Paint is good enough for making cartoons, especially for people like me, who haven't won prizes in drawing or sketching, and rely instead on a Ctrl-C here and a resizing there, trying to draw a cartoon on a laptop at 2 a.m. using the touchpad rather than a mouse can be quite a challenge, as I found out. Anyway, the above toon is a rather bland one, and not a very creative illustration, but it neatly captures something I very strongly believe in: peer pressure is one of the biggest ills of the modern times.

The youth especially are swayed unbelievably by the herd mentality, and the collective opinion of the 'hip and happening' people determines what clothes we wear or whether we listen to music from a music system or an iPod, rather than any conscious choice or preference. Ironically, even the hippies who rebelled against established conventions were also creating a new mini-culture, and the peer pressure to belong to the conventionalist group merely degraded into the peer pressure to belong to the rebels. So what the hell is peer pressure, anyway?

You know that you are feeling the peer pressure when your sense of individual identity bowes down to your need to belong to a popular group, whether or not you really identify with the group.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Holy Feline

I have been a silent devotee of the Holy Feline. Cats - they are just so unmistakably elegant, cute, divine and enigmatic. They have been able to achieve with relative ease what we homo sapiens have struggled with for ages - renunciation and the pursuit of eternal calm. I composed my own prayer in verse in my devotion to the Holy one,

Black, striped or just plain white
Grace in stealth, calm uncommon
Courage and poise in the darkest night,
Now, purring softly for a bowl of milk,
Renounced and detached, verily, soon you are,
The holiest of Garfield's ilk. Meow.

And then one fine day, I read this online. And if I was ever lacking in faith, my prayers to the Feline were answered.

I don't quite remember now who it was who wrote the following piece, but it will do us no material harm in presently attributing it to Lewis Carroll or Mark Twain. All right, let us pick Mark Twain. And here goes,

The Achievement of the Cat

In the political history of nations it is no uncommon experience to find States and peoples which but a short time since were in bitter conflict and animosity with each other, settled down comfortably on terms of mutual goodwill and even alliance. The natural history of the social developments of species affords a similar instance in the coming-together of two once warring elements, now represented by civilised man and the domestic cat. The fiercely waged struggle which went on between humans and felines in those far-off days when sabre-toothed tiger and cave lion contended with primeval man, has long ago been decided in favour of the most fitly equipped combatant—the Thing with a Thumb—and the descendants of the dispossessed family are relegated today, for the most part, to the waste lands of jungle and veld, where an existence of self-effacement is the only alternative to extermination. But the felis catus, or whatever species was the ancestor of the modern domestic cat (a vexed question at present), by a master-stroke of adaptation avoided the ruin of its race, and 'captured' a place in the very keystone of the conqueror's organization. For not as a bond-servant or dependent has this proudest of mammals entered the human fraternity; not as a slave like the beasts of burden, or a humble camp- follower like the dog. The cat is domestic only as far as suits its own ends; it will not be kennelled or harnessed nor suffer any dictation as to its goings out or comings in. Long contact with the human race has developed in it the art of diplomacy, and no Roman Cardinal of mediæval days knew better how to ingratiate himself with his surroundings than a cat with a saucer of cream on its mental horizon. But the social smoothness, the purring innocence, the softness of the velvet paw may be laid aside at a moment's notice, and the sinuous feline may disappear, in deliberate aloofness, to a world of roofs and chimney-stacks, where the human element is distanced and disregarded. Or the innate savage spirit that helped its survival in the bygone days of tooth and claw may be summoned forth from beneath the sleek exterior, and the torture-instinct (common alone to human and feline) may find free play in the death-throes of some luckless bird or rodent. It is, indeed, no small triumph to have combined the untrammelled liberty of primeval savagery with the luxury which only a highly developed civilization can command; to be lapped in the soft stuffs that commerce has gathered from the far ends of the world, to bask in the warmth that labour and industry have dragged from the bowels of the earth; to banquet on the dainties that wealth has bespoken for its table, and withal to be a free son of nature, a mighty hunter, a spiller of life-blood. This is the victory of the cat. But besides the credit of success the cat has other qualities which compel recognition. The animal which the Egyptians worshipped as divine, which the Romans venerated as a symbol of liberty, which Europeans in the ignorant Middle Ages anathematised as an agent of demonology, has displayed to all ages two closely blended characteristics—courage and self-respect. No matter how unfavourable the circumstances, both qualities are always to the fore. Confront a child, a puppy, and a kitten with a sudden danger; the child will turn instinctively for assistance, the puppy will grovel in abject submission to the impending visitation, the kitten will brace its tiny body for a frantic resistance. And disassociate the luxury-loving cat from the atmosphere of social comfort in which it usually contrives to move, and observe it critically under the adverse conditions of civilisation— that civilisation which can impel a man to the degradation of clothing himself in tawdry ribald garments and capering mountebank dances in the streets for the earning of the few coins that keep him on the respectable, or non-criminal, side of society. The cat of the slums and alleys, starved, outcast, harried, still keeps amid the prowlings of its adversity the bold, free, panther-tread with which it paced of yore the temple courts of Thebes, still displays the self-reliant watchfulness which man has never taught it to lay aside. And when its shifts and clever managings have not sufficed to stave off inexorable fate, when its enemies have proved too strong or too many for its defensive powers, it dies fighting to the last, quivering with the choking rage or mastered resistance, and voicing in its death-yell that agony of bitter remonstrance which human animals, too, have flung at the powers that may be; the last protest against a destiny that might have made them happy—and has not.