Thursday, September 28, 2006

St. Thomas in India a fable? And the larger picture...

Chanced upon this very intriguing set of articles recently. Found it to be a telling reflection of the times mankind has been through:

This is not the first piece I have read on the destruction of Hindu temples and culture and the subsequent supression of such facts by well-orchestrated contrivances controlled by forces opposed to Hinduism masquerading in many forms. Whatever the truth is, we probably will never get to know, so it may be best to reserve judgement and leave our prejudices behind. The sad fact still remains that, where researchers of history and journalists could be the most useful resources, they could also be (and probably are!) the most wretched and depraved liars that money could buy.

"It is because journalism is so exploitive of people and events that the only redeeming feature of the profession is the moral obligation to tell the truth."

The truth is NOT out there.

Over and over again, we are subjected to news and information that is filtered and censored by powerful sieves designed and manipulated to distort our perception of the world to an extent that we only see what they want us to see, and hear only what they want us to hear. We are already indoctrinated by our education and hypnotized by our upbringing not to look beyond what we are shown. Do we care enough about a history so long forgotten to know if it is the truth? Why should we want to know if an event that does not materially affect our lives is actually reported in truth , without motives, ulterior or otherwise?

See, that's the tragedy.

What we need is a shake-up in our attitudes, to wake-up from indifference, to become aware and to seek the truth. Indifference is certainly worse than inaction. For, someday in the future, it may be too late to care.

The saving grace is:

We still can choose to believe what we want to believe inspite of the tireless propaganda of invisible forces.

We still can choose to trust or distrust these sources.

But do we?

PS: On a lighter note, did you hear that Fox, BBC and a dozen other news companies are diversifying into the semiconductor industry and even the textile industry? The word is that it is only now that they have realized their true abilities to fabricate.